Bierhanzl Beeswax

A place for the family tree to know all its' branches....

Friday, March 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Billy

Just giving a shout out to Billy the birthday boy aka Booma. This is THE chocolate bourbon cake made especially for you. I wish we could celebrate together, eat cake, have a cup of coffe, maybe a game or two of cards...Perhaps some of you have had this cake on one of the occasions Mom and Billy have made it. Soooooo yummy. This is my first time making it and I will let you know how it turned out. Also a very happy birthday to all the other beautiful March babies...Edgar Ryan, Jill, and Quinn (straight from Aunt Doris' bday list, thank you!). Hope you are all getting some sunshine and having a wonderful spring. Love to you all, the Bienko's.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Another Baby

There is another Bienko baby on the way! Josh ad I are so excited for Harper to have a little brother or sister. We think he will be a great older brother. The baby is due at the very end of August. The 28th to be exact, just 3 days after Jackson’s birthday! It should be a long hot summer her in Athens, but I am vowing to spend everyday possible swimming in the pool with Harper. It’s already starting to warm up here; it gets to a high of 60 something each day. We are hitting the parks like mad because Harper is definitely at the age where he really appreciates climbing, sliding, and digging in the sand box. The babes will be 28 months apart. I think that will be manageable, at least that’s what everyone tells us! We will be getting a sonogram in about 5 weeks, although we won’t find out the sex of the baby we’ll definitely post the pictures so we can all take a guess.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

polka dot beauty and more

We were lucky enough to see Ari all dolled up for a polka dot sweet sixteen. She was beautiful. Here are also some pics that make me think of grandpa. Seeing all sorts of creatures in all sorts of .......... creatures :0) We noticed that the rutabega was quite playful, as was my best friend sillas baby belly.

a few of my favorite things

We went to mom's to see the ever growing Bienko fam. Of course much fun was had, many illnesses were passed, snow fell, and we ate and cooked and cooked and ate.It was all incredible. I think you would get such a kick out of Harper Edward! I can remember you teaching Emma economics terms when she was his age. He is so adorable and smart- and all about pronunciation. Mj was telling us a story and said the word - promotion- so Harper looked at her and started talking about "promotion, mama" very important. He is so sweet and lovey.

La La La Love Ya

Hello!!! Time to end this case of blog neglect. We had to switch to new blogger to post..... if you haven't done it yet, it is super simple to do, it would be great to get us all posting again. I know that I miss peeking into everyones lives. So, here is a peek into what's been going on in Ithaca.... Emma flew solo for
the first time to see Alan's parents in Florida, she was amazing about the whole thing, so very chill. I of course was an absolute mess knowing she was up there without us. Life is so different without her around. She is constantly singing and dancing around the house. constantly. I love it. We were so incredibly happy to have her home, so was Jack, who let us know that as soon as he is 5 he will be ready to go to Florida as well :0) Oh- also news worthy, Emma is officialy class president, I loved her motto- "It's no dilema, vote for Emma!" I found her adversary's motto "Save your soul, vote for Cole" just a little creepy. Jack's been growing up a bit, he's been playing soccer with much enthusiasm.... aka not wanting to take off his soccer shoes or shin guards for anything. I'm fighting off the winter blues. It's a good fight, a worthy fight. I'll be happy to look back on it and remember only the good things, like these smiling sweet peas! Hope your all well!!!