Bierhanzl Beeswax

A place for the family tree to know all its' branches....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fall Fun

I don't know about you, but it's freezing here. Lows in the 30s tonight!
Fall is here so we've been making the most of it. That's Brennan eating his first 'smore. It's a backyard campfire, but still...

And the weekend before last we took the annual apple picking trip to Stribling Orchard in Markham, VA. Much better crop than last year - it actually rained this year and I understand that's important for some reason. Zoe was unimpressed, but the boys had a great time. Total tally so far: 2 apple crisps, apple turnovers, apple strudel muffins, and apple pancake (Mom's recipe or does someone else want to take credit?)
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Oh Baby...

Everything is going great here. Zoe is doing really well, sleeping great (only getting up once a night), and enjoying all the attention she gets from her big brothers.
So far so good...
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