Bierhanzl Beeswax

A place for the family tree to know all its' branches....

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Merry Christmas from Virginia

Yes, that is the real Santa Claus - right there on the National Mall.

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A few more Christmas pictures...

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Merry Christmas from Brennan

I swear that we don't do anything to his hair. That's just the way God made it.

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Monday, December 18, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!
We like it sunny and warm.
We like to celebrate with friends and family, but especially with Kandee and Tony. Can you guess why?
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Thursday, December 14, 2006


I spent last Saturday making Christmas cookies to give to a few friends. I was really looking forward to making Grandma's gingerbread cookies and Aunt Joyces Meringue mushrooms and peppermint candy canes. It was such a blast from the past because those cookies hold so many childhood memories. I love the gingerbread although I'm not really sure that's what there called because they have no ginger in them. Is that what Grandma calls them? Anyway, they are so delicious and they bring me right back to Reading Lane. Harper loves them too. The mushrooms were so fun to make and they are so yummy and adorable, I will definitely be making them again next christmas. Then there are those pesky candy cane cookies. Anunt Joyce, how did you do it!? Sculpting those was a true test of my dexterity and patients. Not to mention how tedious it was to crush all those candy canes.
Bierhanzl Christmas Cookies

Bierhanzl Christmas Cookies

Here is a newish picture of Harper. Josh recently took out the paint roller thinking Harper would find it amusing. Sure enough Harper loves it! He runs around rolling it all over the house. He refers to it as a "roll it" and at the moment we took this photo he told me he was "vacuuming vrooom".
Harper Roll It!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Merry Christmas!

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November Fun

Graham and Edward went to a concert at National Geographic headquarters, and stopped for a little picnic in the park.

Big brother, doing what big brothers do best.

Graham and Tea, participating in the traditional Bierhanzl Thanksgiving post-dinner stroll.
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Halloween Cats

Every time we asked Graham what he wanted to be for Halloween, he said "A cat, like Nicki". Um... OK. So we finally found a cat costume. Here's Graham trick-or-treating, and a picture of Nicki for comparison.

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Shout out to NYC!

Thanks Aunt Doris and Uncle Edgar for the great shirts! We love you! Posted by Picasa