Bierhanzl Beeswax

A place for the family tree to know all its' branches....

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

ari in shades, taylor with booty, and salty sand stands

the best part of this whole trip to me was spending time with all of these wonderful people!!! ari and taylor are such amazing sisters, spending time with them was too much fun and splendidness to put into words..... which of course made me totaly long for mj..... mom and i always say that when we are all together, except for one, it feels like you are limping around, like you are missing a peice of yourself. but we did in fact limp around pretty well, i think jacks favorite beach was skaket a.k.a. skankit (that is what jack calls it)! but macaroni beach was fun too, and cold. very cold. i believe they called it a not-so-balmy 56 degrees. understatement. it's funny what the beach does to you, it makes you feel so alive and wonderful, and relaxed. i can't help but think of grandpa when i'm there, i guess that's why it feels so good too.

Monday, August 21, 2006

more from cape cod

we had so much fun on this trip, but ariana's hole in the sand is sure getting lots of press. it was impressive, she was lifting all sorts of kids in and out of it for a while.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Check out the new post on the
Bienko Baby blog

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Here is agreen egg that I found in the nest box that somehow ended up in a brown half shell. Notice how the egg color matches Mommy's blouse!

One of my hens hatched some chicks. So I now have 4 roosters in training.Anyone want one? These are some pictures I took today in between cleaning out the barn.

I was suffering from technical difficulties, but I hope this works now.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

whales, twins and waiting

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Plenty of seaweed and ari dug a dangerously deep hole

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Hi: we're just back from 5 days @ nickerson campground. see the brave rush in the water. see the enlightened rush out of the water-58 degrees. Ariana, alan and logan actually went back in with the boogie boards (marconi beach). Only Jackson was smart enough to stay out of the water with the fish. Of course we went to flax pond afterwards. everyone had a great time at skaket, skim boarding and catching hermit crabs. We couldn't fit in evreything we wanted to do but we went to provincetown-the penny patch is still there-and went whale watching and saw about 20 whales. incredible! The wait is longer than ever at Arnolds and we found a nice bar-b-q place across from marconi. I don't think all my pictures were attached to this post so i"ll add more.

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